National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg

The Russian National Library has been equipped with the largest profivac central vacuum system to date. Libraries tend to accumulate a significant amount of dust, which conventional vacuum cleaners can exacerbate by redistributing dust onto books. With a central vacuum system, dusting and the associated time and cost are drastically reduced. At the National Library, 2 profivac 14000 units are in use!

National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg These two devices are operating at full capacity with 487 suction points distributed throughout the entire building. That amounts to a total of 11 kilometres of suction lines!

Schindler Elevator AG

The company Schindler Elevator AG in Ebikon uses profivac central vacuum cleaners in their office building, allowing employees to benefit not only from dust-free spaces but also from odour-, virus-, and bacteria-free air.
For the 24-hour call center, the additional advantage is that employees can continue their conversations with customers seamlessly during the whisper-quiet central vacuuming.
In the background, in the development tower, profivac ensures dust-free new prototypes.
In the management building (in the foreground), contracts don’t gather dust, and in the visitor center, customers enjoy the fresh indoor atmosphere.


IASA Instandhaltungstechnik AG

At IASA Maintenance Technology AG, not only customers but also employees benefit from the highest level of cleanliness ensured by the profivac central vacuum system.

KKvR-Stiftung - Husmatt Steinen

The wonderful senior housing development in Steinen prioritizes comfort.
49 senior apartments can be easily self-cleaned by the seniors
themselves well into old age.


Wyss Haustechnik AG is the specialist for high-quality plumbing craftsmanship. The profivac central vacuum cleaner is continuously in use during the production process.

Whether it’s deburring residues from cut pipes or dust that accumulates during everyday work, the workshop, showroom, and offices of Wyss Haustechnik AG are kept clean by a profivac 4000.

Wyss Peter Sanitär & Heizung

During the production of Geberit pipes, all deburring residues are directly vacuumed away at the machine. Additionally, the offices and apartments in the commercial building are cleaned as well.

Flughafen Zürich AG

At Zurich Airport in Kloten/Zurich, it’s crucial that our central vacuum cleaner is always readily available without any incidents for 24 hours a day! This has been working seamlessly with our profivac 430 system since 2016. Security personnel can work without being enveloped in viruses, fine dust, or noise.

Rimuss & Strada Wein AG

Immaculate offices are also found at the most famous winery in Switzerland.

Fontana + Partner AG Architektur

Our first office building, selected by the best architects.

Evangelische Kirche Rapperswil

Our first church that we were able to equip with a profivac central vacuum cleaner.

Schwyzer Kantonalbank

In the Schwyzer Kantonalbank, cleaning is done using a profivac central vacuum system. Even micro dust, which accumulates in the offices, is efficiently removed, creating a healthy indoor environment for employees and customers. They use a profivac 4000 for the entire cleaning of the office building.

Raiffeisen Bank Brig

At Raiffeisen Bank in the beautiful location of Belalp in Valais, dust is removed using a profivac 2000 central vacuum cleaner. There are 28 suction sockets distributed throughout the building, ensuring that no fine dust is blown into the air and that the indoor climate is optimal for work.